Soal essay bahasa Inggris dan jawabannya untuk kelas x semester 2 pada tulisan ini, masih berisikan materi yang dengan contoh soal Pilihan Ganda pertama B. Inggris dan Pilihan Ganda kedua.Yaitu tentang: he Expressions of Thanking, Complimenting, and congratulating", "Present Perfect Tense" dan Preposition of Time: at/on/in.
Baca juga: 100+ Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester Genap K13 Beserta Jawaban
Berikut ini, soal essay bahasa Inggris dan jawabannya.
Fill in the blanks with the right answer!
1. Rani got married... 2004
Jawaban: in
2. What are you doing ... Sunday?
Jawaban: on
3. He has never... (travel) by train
Jawaban: traveled
4. Our son.... (learn) how to read
Jawaban: has learned
5. Icha : “Grandpa, I have finished my home work”.
Grandpa : “...”
Jawaban: that’s my diligent grandson
6. I don’t like travelling....night
Jawaban: at
7. Akram : “You’ve passed the exam with satisfied result. Here is a gift for you.”
Conny : “... “
Jawaban: thank you
8. Rossa :”Linda, why dou you look happy today?”
Linda : “Because today is my birthday.”
Rossa : “Is it true?.. “
Jawaban: Happy Birthday!
9. Mr Ben is busy... the moment.
Jawaban: at
10. My mother has never ... (travel) by air
Jawaban: traveled
III. Answer the following questions!
11. You :”Mother, may I go to Aziz’s house?”
Mother : “ Of curse, please.”
You : “
Jawaban: Thank you, mom
12. Mention some expressions of thanking!
- thank you very much
- thank you for helping me
- thank you so much for a lovely evening
- thanks for everything
- I’d like to express my deep gratitude to you
13. Change this sentence into present perfect!
My car (broke) down three times this week
Jawaban: My car has broken down three times this week
14. Write down the form of present perfect and give three examples (+, -, ?) !
(+) You have seen that movie many times
(-) You have not seen that movie many times
(?) Have you seen that movie many times?
15. Mention some expressions of complimenting
- Nice try
- Wow, good job
- You’re smart
- Good job
- You’re so beatiful
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Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Kelas X Semester 2
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